Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Song

It is the first time I use Audition. Thanks for Jan's helping me how to make some sound effect that I want to do.

As for my project, first I wanted to build the main melody (Happy Birthday song) with hitting sound. So I found sound from the library that might have some pitch. I heard those sound and arranged file name something like C-filename, D-filename, E-filename......and then when I edit the happy birthday song, I won't get trouble. When I want to put a sound Do, I could grab the correct file. I put some sound from hitting iron or metal hammer in Track 3 and tried to let them become the happy birthday song. Actually some work but some don't. So I put two simple happy birthday with real melody in the track. I think they can help audience to recognize it is a birthday song. I found these two birthday song form website. One plays in music box and the other is made by digital sound.

When I finish the main melody, I stared to deal with other environment sound. Those works are according to my picture- three robots holding a cake and drinks. In the beginning, I imagined they prepared things to celebrate. So there are sound I want them to feel like preparing somethings in a flurry. Then robot A starts singing happy birthday song but robot B stops it. Robot B plays the music box, and then three of them sing together. When the song finished, there are sound I want them to feel like cheerful.

Yesterday Jan suggest me put some ambiance sound in the background. I try to find some that can fit in this piece, however I don't think I find the great one. Finally I put an ambiance about household in the background but the volume is small.

I put the file that I mix down in my file of Sound and Consciousness Group already.

I think I done this piece . Then I will try some sound postcard about Taiwan but I didn't come up a good idea yet. So, keep working.

1 comment:

BLee said...

Jean...this sounds awesome! After listening to your first draft the other day, I could already tell that there was a sense of hurrying in the beginning of the track, as if the robots were having trouble getting everything together. It's great to find out that this was your complete definitely accomplished what you wanted.

I really like how organic the sounds are; although they are in fact mechanical, they carry slight imperfections that make them unique and interesting. This is incredible work!